Thursday, July 24, 2008

Analyze for July 28-30 Earnings

Refer to the image & if some of you can analyze & provide feedback on these or any other suggestions, it will be great.


1 comment:

MinMayBee said...

Visa [V] : If it wasn’t for that crazy downward week that we were all experiencing, V should be trading above 80 now. With the recent American Express [AXP] quarterly announcement, it didn’t perform well when it missed its number earlier this week. It brought Visa down with it. American Express has been on a decline for about a year now, while Master Card has been going the opposite direction – up. In my opinion, both Master Card and Visa are the two gorillas in credit card business. Both Visa and Master Card has been impressive with their past quarterly numbers. Visa did a recent study that show foreign travel is still strong. With the upcoming Olympic in China and being a huge sponsor of the event, it should bode well for the company. Keep in mind that the increasing credit card default does not affect the credit card company as the bank such as Bank of America are the one responsible for it. Everytime a consumer charges something on their credit card, then the credit card company gets $$ for every slide.

In conclusion, I would not bank on Visa or MasterCard for missing their numbers. Either make a call or sit on the sideline. Remember that MasterCard releases their number a day after Visa announcement as it will likely move the same direction.

Now, the million dollar question is how to play this? Let’s see if a straddle is worth a look for MasterCard or Visa based on their past earning announcement movement.