Tuesday, July 22, 2008

InPlay for Short Term - July 24 Earnings

After shortlisting the companies for July 24 earnings play from the screen, here is what may be worth for further analysis:

1) Analyze Buying CALLs ATM or ITM for :

SII - Can't really figure what may be the best strategy. It is consolidating & will move in either direction, mostly upwards.

POT - Buy a PUT & a CALL for 220 Strike. After announcement, ride the wave in a direction & close the other. This is expected to swing big time. Exit in maximum 2 - 3 days or preferably the same day.

RTN - Can't figure out a clear strategy. However, our expectation is Bullish.

OXY - At 200 day MA Take no position. However, our expectation is Bullish.

NEM - Buy 50 dollar Call for September, instead of August.

WYNN - Buy 95 or 100 dollar CALL for September (preferably 95) . It broke thru its 50 day & 22 day SMAs.

2) Analyze Buying PUTs ATM or ITM for : CELG. Strategy will be to Buy a 75 dollar PUT for August

3) Buy Stock = F . Then Later on, if it moves upwards, Selling a near the money Covered Call.


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